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Art by Tancredi Trugenberger

  Inkscoholic Shop

Photo of a printed artworkPhoto of a printed artworkPhoto of a printed artwork

Buy made-to-order art prints.

All designs available for print have been matched with a high quality paper, colour proofed and printed for quality control.

All prints are available in A4, A3 and A2 formats.

If the design you wish is not currently available as print, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

  Available as prints (9)

  • #01 Space Birth art - Thumbnail

    #01 Space Birth

  • #03 Demonic Pyramid art - Thumbnail

    #03 Demonic Pyramid

  • #04 Mad Hatter art - Thumbnail

    #04 Mad Hatter

  • #08 Laser Drop art - Thumbnail

    #08 Laser Drop

  • #09 Welder & Owl art - Thumbnail

    #09 Welder & Owl

  • #10 Dandelion Bearer art - Thumbnail

    #10 Dandelion Bearer

  • #13 Death’s Back art - Thumbnail

    #13 Death’s Back

  • #14 War Frog art - Thumbnail

    #14 War Frog

  • #15 Aquatic turtle art - Thumbnail

    #15 Aquatic turtle